55 River Drive South, Jersey City, NJ, 03/26/09-05:30 ~ 03/27/09-08:55

55 River Drive South, Jersey City, NJ, 03/26/09-05:30 ~ 03/27/09-08:55

The camera shutter is set to release once a minute. Also aperture and shutter speeds are changed manually depending on the brightness of the light source because the automatic setting makes image too bright at night. For the automatic shutter system, I used 2 different shutter releases. The first one is handmade camera shutter system I using Arduino and knife blades for a shutter button. The second one is a programmable camera shutter release. When I set the camera where it can capture a wireless internet signal, I used WIFI for transmitting the image file from the camera to a computer. Otherwise, I used high a capacity memory card. I took pictures for a three-day-period to achieve the desirable colors of light.
In order to capture various colors, I chose to work on both on clear and cloudy days with the camera set in the same place. After gathering the images, I tested different numbers of images and different algorithms for not only expressing the concept efficiently but also in an attempt to create the ideal visual effect. The algorithms are based on replacing pixels by the time difference. I changed a few things to create a painting effect but always followed the time order of the images.
I customize a small blind and put it on a tripod to change the angle and height of blind depending on the situation.
System I
This system is for taking a picture automatically by time setting. I used a shutter release part in a camera. There are 3 input lines in a camera. If 2 of lines are connected, camera focuses the view and it takes a picture when 3 lines are connected. Instead of using buttons, I made a shutter using a blade of knife with servo motor.
System II